Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Let the New Cycle Begin

Ok, today is Day 1 of my new cycle. I do have a question for people, though. If you had a miscarriage previously, or know someone who did - did the start of your next period begin with old blood? I had a little spotting last night that was brown, and then I started full-flow today. The RE thought it might be related to the drugs I took previously, but that explanation sounded a bit strange to me. How come you can never think of good questions until after you hang up?

I just spoke to a nurse from the RE's office, and I'm going to follow the same protocol as my previous IUI cycle. Clomid, Estress, HCG shot, IUI. Apparently I had 2 follicles on either side last cycle! I thought I only had 1 on each side...

So here we embark on our 2nd attempt via DIUI. It is nice to be starting anew. It gives me hope and gets me out of the little spiral I was in (this is not to say I won't spiral again, but let's just take one day at a time). Bring it on!


Anonymous said...

Can't help re the periods because they always start with old blood.

Just wanted to wish best of luck for your next cycle.

beagle said...

Sorry no help with the question but I have had some weird periods after the drugs but no real rhyme or reason.

I always think of a bunch of questions minutes after I hang up. Frustrating!

Good Luck this time around!

Jena said...

Mine always started brown, didn't know they weren't supposed to do that!

Good luck with this cycle!