Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Not Pregant but Still no Period

Grr...I am currently at 20 dpo, and tested negative on my blood test taken on Monday. Still no period either. I'm ok that I'm not PG this cycle, I just wish it would act more normal and not make it appear that I might be PG. Stopped the progesterone suppositories and just waiting for AF again. Sigh...


ColourYourWorld said...

I am sorry to hear your news.

The progesterone pessaries can slow down your period give or take a week.
I hop she is here soon so you can move on to the next step.

Take care

Dramalish said...

Hello, gorgeous.
I'm so sorry that I haven't commented lately. I need to add to you my bloglines, but I've been lazy concerning the Blogosphere. I'm back on track now, though.

I'm sorry for the lack of success on cycle #2. The progesterone always made my period late, too. Don't worry, it's completely normal. I wish they would tell us that stuff at the RE's office, don't you?

Keep on keeping on. Perserverance is the name of the game.

beagle said...

Sorry for the BFN and the frustrating no show AF. I agree with the others, sometimes it takes a while for the progesterone level to come down enough for a period to happen. I think for me it's usually about 5 days.

Wishing you much better luck the next time around!

ak1908 said...

I know I haven't been over in a while, but just popped in to see how you were doing. Sorry to hear about the bfn. I hope you're doing well and taking good care of yourself!